Tuesday, June 26, 2018


In the next two months, another school year begins again for Tammy and one of the greatest achievements I strive to fulfil is to provide a wonderful and meaningful learning experience for my daughter. I believe that education and learning is a continuous journey. And in this journey, I want my daughter to learn lessons that she can use for her life —in her job, when she’s with her friends, and when she has a family of her own. And just like me, I want her to have wonderful memories of her school life that she can look back to with gratitude.

When she graduates from high school, I know that it would be a struggle to find a perfect school or institution to guide my daughter and help her achieve her dreams. Kaya, to be honest as early as now, I'm already researching among colleges, universities and educational institutions that would give her not just the best education but will also be a perfect fit for her needs. And I’m very happy to note that after making inquiries and research, I find STI included in the list of my options for the following reasons:

Accessible and Affordable
STI is one of the largest networks of schools in the Philippines — there are 85 STI campuses and affiliate education centres across the country. STI also offers quality, private school education at an affordable price. Plus, they have state-of-the-art and modern facilities. I also like that they offer courses that are relevant to the real world. This means Tammy will learn skills that would be useful in the line of work that she will have later on. 

STI is a leader when it comes to an education in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The good news is, all their other courses are enhanced by ICT, including Tourism and Hospitality Management, Business and Management, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, and Healthcare.

Jobs after graduation
Besides giving students a quality education, STI gives them extra help in finding jobs after graduation. The school’s Enrollment-to-Employment (E2E) System, provide education, job market skills, job preparedness, and job placement assistance. 

I know that with STI, my child can graduate with better chances of getting a job with the assistance of STI’s partner placement agencies.

Fun while learning
It’s true that a child learns more and better in an environment where she feels accepted and is allowed to do things that he or she enjoys. I’m glad that STI has extra-curricular programs and activities like quiz bees, sports activities, musical competitions, and many more. 

As they say, a man without education is like a building without foundation. No matter the circumstances, the right education empowers an individual to make their dreams a reality. Never ever rely on free education because trust me there's no such thing is free. So, just like me, don't wait too long to choose a school for your child — start it early so you can lay your options and choose wisely!

Go and check STI too, you might just find the right fit for your child's future.


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Xoxo, ðŸ’‹


All my images copyright to THEMERMAIDINSTILETTOS.COM

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