Sunday, May 12, 2024

Because there's no "Pause Mode" in Motherhood

Even the most reliable moms need the reassurance that they have someone to rely on.

Being a mother is a rewarding but difficult journey; it's not an easy one. It was already three years after our wedding when I had Tammy but still, I've got mixed emotions when I learned I'm having a baby. Perhaps I was too scared to fail coz' I know I have a lot of shortcomings. I don't cook, I hate washing the dishes, I don't even know how to do our laundry properly~how much more on being a mommy. I knew already that sacrifices and challenges started the very same day I learned that I was going to be a mom. True enough- she turned my world upside down. Often I would doubt and ask myself, "Am I even a good mom?"  But no one else can tell what kind of a mother I am other than my daughter, right? After all, being a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child but what you gained from having one. 

I'm so lucky to belong to a circle of friends and a family who served as my support system. They were so supportive during my early motherhood journey. Motherhood may indeed be emotionally exhausting at times, and having a support system of experienced moms can provide much-needed emotional assistance. 

Today, I am so grateful for my reliable connections, both offline and online mom communities like my Madiskarte Moms PH group to name one. 

MMPH Photo

Whether it's encouragement during times of uncertainty or a listening ear when things become difficult, my friends, family, and fellow moms in my online community offer a feeling of solidarity and empathy.

Truly, even the most reliable moms need the reassurance that they have someone to rely on. Just like how PLDT Home's "Empowering Motherhood" message this Mother's Day: #WeAreHereForYou 

Watch the video here:

Such a beautiful video showing where moms support and empower other moms! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!

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